Film Cultural Exchange Program

The Film Cultural Exchange Program provides support and assistance to foreign embassies and diplomatic institutions in the Philippines for film-related and cultural events, and bilateral programs.

The FCEP supports film-related events of foreign embassies and diplomatic institutions in the country by providing FDCP ratings and Optical Media Board (OMB) clearances. The FDCP’s Cinematheque Centres may also serve as exhibition platforms for FCEP events. 


All foreign embassies and recognized diplomatic institutions in the Philippine can avail of the FCEP.

For embassy-led film-related events, FDCP offers:

  • FDCP Ratings - films to be showcased can be exempted from the MTRCB Ratings, and will instead go through our FDCP ratings free-of-charge pursuant to MTRCB and FDCP agreed upon guidelines. 

  • OMB Clearance – FDCP can facilitate the release of this export/import clearance which is needed to ship the films to the Philippines through customs.

  • One (1) initial coordination meeting at FDCP office two (2) months before the event.

  • Attendance of FDCP officials and officers during the reception night. 


For FDCP-partnered events (upon prior approval), FDCP offers:

  • FDCP Ratings - films to be showcased can be exempted from the MTRCB Ratings, and will instead go through our FDCP ratings free-of-charge pursuant to guidelines. 

  • OMB Clearance – FDCP can facilitate the release of this import/export clearance needed to ship the films be shipped through Philippine customs.  

  • Cinematheques – For applicable areas, FDCP can provide its Cinematheques as venues for film screenings and events pursuant to Cinematheque requirements and guidelines.

  • Two (2) coordination meetings at the FDCP office, the first one taking place at least one month before the event.

  • Attendance of FDCP officials and officers during the press launch and/or reception night.

One (1) FDCP-organized reception at selected FDCP Cinematheque.
One (1) FDCP-organized educational event at selected FDCP Cinematheque. 

FDCP will be open for initial applications twice a year every October (for January to June events of the following year) and March (for July to December events). Only those who applied during the period may be considered by the FDCP.

Requests must be sent through an accomplished form (IR-FCEP No. 1) with complete details during the application period.

Upon approval of the application, the institution involved must sign a contract with the FDCP which certifies its compliance to the FCEP guidelines, including, among others:

  • Complete and timely submission of films for ratings within the agreed upon time frame. For late and incomplete submissions, FDCP will not be able to guarantee the release of the permits on time. 

  • Proper recognition of FDCP as an event/Festival partner or supporter, whichever applies, in all collaterals, and press releases and other publicity materials.

  • Submission of post-event report to the FDCP (IR-FCEP Form No. 2) as well as physical promotional collaterals used for the festival/event.

  • Conduct of post-mortem meeting to evaluate the success of the event

Should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the FDCP Special Projects & External Affairs Unit:
Ma. Angelica Therese A. Torre
External Affairs Officer


  • Embassy of Austria
  • Embassy of Denmark
  • Embassy of France
  • Embassy of Germany
  • Embassy of Hungary
  • Embassy of India
  • Embassy of Israel
  • Embassy of Italy
  • Embassy of Japan
  • Embassy of Korea
  • Embassy of Mexico
  • Embassy of Norway
  • Embassy of Spain
  • Embassy of Sweden
  • Embassy of the Argentine Republic
  • Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation in Manila
  • U.S. Embassy
  • Delegation of the European Union


  • Goethe-Institut Philippinen
  • Instituto Cervantes
  • Korean Cultural Center
  • Para Sa Sining
  • Philippine Italian Association
  • The Japan Foundation, Manila