Year by year, more and more Filipino films and filmmakers are being chosen by established and prestigious international film festivals all over the world to compete with films from other countries. Since 2016, more than 100 films have been showcased as part of the lineup of these film festivals either to be in competition or exhibition.

With the Film Development Council of the Philippines’ goal to promote Philippine Cinema internationally and provide opportunities for filmmakers to represent the country in the international scene, the Agency’s International Film Festival Assistance Program (IFFAP) is aimed at providing travel and financial support 
to Filipino filmmakers whose films have been selected in international film festivals.


A Filipino filmmaker competing in international film festivals. Registered at the FDCP National Registry for Audiovisual Workers: Click Here

Based on FDCP’s list of accredited and recognized international film festivals, the 
following types of assistance can be provided to Filipino films and filmmakers. 

  • Travel Assistance. FDCP can provide roundtrip economy flights to filmmakers participating in FIAPF-accredited film festivals or FDCP partnered festivals.

  • Stipend. If applicable, FDCP provides a stipend of 300USD - 1,000USD depending on the category & film festival participated. Qualified expenses include Philippine travel tax, accommodation, meals, and local transportation. The amount is identified by the technical review committee after reviewing the application. 

  • Visa Assistance. FDCP can issue visa endorsements to support the filmmakers’ application. The approval of the applicant’s visa, however, is still at the full discretion of the Consular Office or the Embassy concerned and it is the filmmakers’ responsibility to secure an appointment and prepare the documents required by the Consular Office of the Embassy.

In addition, an endorsement letter issued by FDCP is not a guarantee that your 
application will be expedited.

  • Visa Fees. FDCP can reimburse the visa fees of the filmmaker (usually the director) participating in international film festivals (up to twice a year).

  • Passport Application/Renewal Assistance. As a government agency, the FDCP can draft endorsements that vouches for Filipino filmmakers and attendees to the Department of Foreign Affairs. The approval of the applicant’s passport application, however, is still at the full discretion of the issuing agency and it is the filmmakers’ responsibility to secure an appointment and prepare the documents required by the issuing agency.

In addition, an endorsement letter issued by FDCP is not a guarantee that your 
application will be expedited.

  • FDCP Endorsement for OMB Export/Import Clearance. Through the FDCP’s partnership with the Optical Media Board (OMB), the FDCP can draft endorsements for an OMB permit to be released by the OMB to facilitate the import and export of the copy of the film to and from the international film festival concerned.

  • Philippine Embassy or Consulate Support. FDCP can coordinate with the Philippine posts in the country where the concerned film festival is located in order to give support to Filipino filmmakers for their participation. 

  • Publicity and Promotion Support. The FDCP can provide and release press releases and help conduct press-events to promote the country’s participation in the concerned international film festival.

The support FDCP could offer to the proponent and their film will be identified 
by the FDCP Technical Review Committee. Please see Annex 1 for FDCP’s list of 
accredited and recognized international film festivals.

The International Film Festival Assistance Program (IFFAP) is available to Filipino filmmakers competing in international film festivals fulfilling the following eligibility:

  • Grantees of IFFAP can be the directors, actress, or writer who are part of the film. However, only the director can lodge the initial application. If the applicant is an actress or writer, he/she must seek endorsement from the director allowing the actress/writer to apply on his/her behalf. For films with co-productions with other countries, please secure a special certificate from your international producers should you include screening of the films as part of your Return of Service Agreement. 

  • The film must originate from the Philippines and/or the film festival recognizes the Philippines as the film’s nationality. For co-productions, Philippines must be identified/recognized in all festival executions including but not limited to the festival brochures and the festival’s official website. 

  • FDCP support can be availed of up to two (2) times a year per film. Filmmakers with multiple films participating in various accredited festivals can apply as long as they are cleared from the previous FDCP assistance granted to them.

  • The applicant must be a Philippine passport holder who exits and returns to Manila for the festival. He or she must also be based in the Philippines for the return of service.

  • The applicant must be a member of FDCP National Registry.

  • The applicant must have a clear record with the Agency and must not have any outstanding clearance issues from other FDCP assistance programs.

  • Accomplished Application Form (IR-IFFAP Form No. 1)

  • National Registry ID

  • Certificate or Clearance from Other Producers

    • If your film was produced by multiple companies, co-production or festival-produced like grants etc., IFFAP applicants must clear things with the producer that s/he will be availing of the IFFAP grant from FDCP and no other producers/co-producers will claim for the same grant.

  • Copy of the official letter of invitation signed by the festival organizer

  • Curriculum Vitae and Applicant’s Bio with ID Photo and Residential Address

  • Scanned copy of passport’s bio page and visa (if applicable) for travel to festival country

  • If applying and qualified for travel assistance, roundtrip airfare quotation for economy class from at least three (3) airlines with preferred departure and arrival times

  • Film Information Sheet

  • Publicity Materials for you film (if applicable)

    • Headshot of the Film Director

    • Hi-Res copy of poster

    • Hi-Res Film Trailer

    • Hi-res BTS (behind-the-scenes) photos

  • Clearance certification from previous assistance availed (if applicable)

The application process for the International Film Festival Assistance Program (IFFAP) can be processed online.

  • The pre-festival requirements stated in Section IV of this briefer must be submitted via e-mail within five (5) days after receipt of the confirmation letter or notice from the festival or up to 3 weeks before the first day of the festival.

    • These must be sent to with the subject IFFAP <space> Festival Name <space> Film Title.

  • A letter shall be issued by FDCP to the applicant stating the support that will be provided by the Assistance Program. Only the support specified in the letter shall be honored.

    • For approved assistance, the letter will state the return of service that should be rendered by the grantee of assistance. Upon acceptance of this letter, FDCP and grantee will enter into a memorandum of agreement.
  • After approval of the application, in order for the grantee to avail of the support, the following must be submitted to the IFFAP Secretariat:

    • SIGNED Memorandum of Agreement between FDCP and grantee.

    • At least three (3) tickets for FDCP during film screening if agency representatives are present in the festival.

  • Coordinate with IFFAP Officer regarding the availment of the approved support. (i.e. travel support, stipend, visa endorsement letter, certificate of nationality, etc.)

  • Should the Grantee appeal to the initially approved assistance, kindly send a letter of appeal addressed to the Chairman and CEO. Make sure to include the specific assistance in the said letter. The Grantee should coordinate with the IFFAP Officer regarding this.

**Note: The process may take to 7 to 14 working days from the time of submission of COMPLETE requirements. Please be advised that the processing of appeals may take another 7-14 days.

Applicants may only avail of the IFFAP assistance up to two (2) times a year per film. 

The International Film Festival Assistance Program (IFFAP) will be accepting applications year-round.

For grantees eligible for travel support, the following guidelines will be followed:

  • All approved travel assistance will be in the form of reimbursement with a maximum allowable amount of the following:

    • Up to Php 35,000.00 for Asia

    • Up to Php 80,000.00 for Europe, USA, Africa, and Latin America

    • Up to Php 40,000.00 for Australia

  • The departing flight must originate in Manila or any international airport in the country.

  • Any rebooking/cancellation of the flight made shall be on the account of the grantee unless an emergency occurred that it’s a need to rebook the flight. 

  • The filmmaker/proponent must be able to use the tickets bought and must submit the original hard copy of the boarding passes (going and returning). If the tickets bought were not used, FDCP will not be able to reimburse the expenses. 

  • Grantee must keep the ORIGINAL HARD COPY of his or her boarding passes (going and returning) and official receipts as part of submission in order to get clearance certification or reimburse of the flight cost.

  • E-boarding passes or mobile boarding passes or Affidavit of Loss are strictly not allowed.



  • A. Grantees can receive a stipend of 300USD-1,000USD depending on the category & film festival participated. Qualified expenses include accommodation, meals, travel tax, visa fees, and transportation and must have corresponding official receipts.

Grantees must keep all official receipts as basis to liquidate the stipend. Stipend will be given in the form of reimbursement.


Upon approval of the application, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between FDCP and the grantee must be signed which indicates the commitment of both parties to the program. The Agreement must be finalized BEFORE the start of the festival.

  1. Approved grantees are given sixty (60) days or TWO MONTHS after the film festival attended to submit the following post-festival requirements including reimbursements of their expenses.

    • Comprehensive travel report (IR-IFFAP Form No.2)

    • Accomplished cash disbursement form

    • ORIGINAL HARD COPY of boarding passes (going and returning)

    • ORIGINAL HARD COPY of Official receipts of qualified expenses (if availing of reimbursement). Must be submitted to FDCP with proper description and translation if applicable.

      • Qualified expenses:

        • Accommodations

        • Flights

        • Meals

        • Local transportation

        • International Airport Terminal Fees (if applicable)

        • Visa Fees

  2. Failure to submit the reimbursement requirements within sixty (60) days after the festival, will result in forfeiture of assistance.

  3. For late submissions of completed post-festival requirements, the grantee must submit a letter of request for extension at least five (5) days prior to the deadline to be approved by the technical review committee. Disapproval of which will result to a forfeiture of assistance.

  4. Reimbursements will be processed within 14 days upon submission of COMPLETE 

  5. post-festival requirements.

The IFFAP is a publicly funded program and as such, grantees of the assistance are expected to give back to the community by rendering a return of service through participation in various FDCP programs and activities by either being guests, mentors, speakers for FDCP initiated trainings and workshops or by allowing FDCP to screen their film free of charge in FDCP partnered cultural events and activities. Availing of this support means agreeing to the required Return of Service commensurate to the type of support granted to the filmmaker.

It is the main responsibility of the director, actress, or writer to ensure that the assistance is properly liquidated with all documentary requirements and reported and that return of service is fully rendered.

Return of service will be stated in the applicant’s approval forms. The Service must be rendered within two (2) years upon availing of the support

A clearance certification form will be issued by FDCP upon completion of requirements. Failure to secure clearance certification will prohibit the grantee from applying in the future IFFAP or other FDCP types of assistance.

For questions, inquiries, and submission of application and post-festival 
requirements, please contact the person in charge below:

  • Festivals Division
    Film Development Council of the Philippines
    855 T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines 1000
    (02) 256-9908 loc 118