The International Film Studies Assistance Program (IFSAP) is a program of the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) that supports Filipino filmmakers who want to be more exposed to the best filmmaking practices of other countries. A program for Filipino talents who make waves internationally. FDCP believes in the importance of collaboration, hence encourages more Filipino filmmakers to discover various opportunities by participating in international film study programs, labs, and workshops.


A Filipino filmmaker who has been accepted as a participant in established international film studies programs, film, and talent labs, and registered at the FDCP National Registry for Audiovisual Workers: Click Here

The following types of assistance can be provided to Filipino filmmakers: 

  1. Financial Travel Assistance

Eligible applicants may qualify for financial assistance to cover all qualified expenses incurred during the program. The grant will be released only through reimbursement.

1. IFSAP Standard

Open to all eligible Filipino filmmakers who applied and got accepted in internationally recognized film programs, labs, and workshops. 

Eligible applicants may qualify from Php 40,000.00 up to Php 150,000.00 for financial assistance, depending on the category of support. 

Applicants can avail for up to two (2) times a year. 

2. IFSAP Partners

A support program open to all eligible Filipino filmmakers who applied and got accepted to an FDCP-Partnered International Film Festival/Studies Organization. 

Eligible applicants may be granted financial support for up to Php 150,000.00 upon approval.

Applicants can only avail once (1) a year.

  1. Visa Application Assistance 

FDCP may assist in the Visa Application of qualified filmmakers by issuing visa endorsements if needed. However, the visa approval is still at the discretion of the Embassy concerned. 

  1. Publicity and Promotion. 

FDCP may support qualified filmmakers by promoting their projects and their participation at international labs on FDCP's social media pages.

The program accepts applications all year round

To qualify for assistance, one must satisfy the following:

  1. The applicant must be a Filipino citizen.

  2. The applicant must be a member of the FDCP National Registry. 

  3. For more information on how to register, visit the website: 

  4. The applicant must have a clear record with the FDCP having no outstanding clearance issues from all other types of FDCP assistance programs. 

  5. The applicant must be able to render a Return Service through FDCP-led programs or as agreed in the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA).

  1. Accomplished Application Form and Conforme (FD-IFSAP Form No.1) 

  2. National Registry ID or Certificate

  3. Official Letter of Invitation (or email confirmation) from the International Program’s Organizers

  4. Updated Curriculum Vitae of the Applicant

  5. Briefer of Applicant’s Film Project 

  6. Background & Briefer of the Program

  7. Copy of Passport ID

  8. Copy of Visa (if applicable)

  9. Clearance Certification from previous FDCP Assistance availed (If applicable)

Proponents are given thirty (30) days after the end of the program to accomplish the following post-event reports and other requirements:


  1. FD-IFSAP Form No. 2 - Comprehensive Program/Study Report 

Official Receipts of qualified expenses (digital copy and physical copies) 

Festival Badge (digital copy) 

Photo documentation 


  1. FD-IFSAP Form No. 3 - Accounting and Liquidation Report 

If receipts are in foreign currency, please provide the Currency Exchange Rate during the time of payment 

Reference Link from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas will be provided


  1. FD-IFSAP Form No. 4 - IFSAP Grant Wire Transfer Request Form  (Must be signed with wet-ink )



Only economy class tickets are accepted for reimbursement



Must be submitted to FDCP with proper description and translation (if applicable) 



The following are the expenses eligible for reimbursement:

  1. Air travel 
    1. Airfare 
    2. Travel insurance 
    3. International Terminal Fees (if applicable) 
  2.  Land travel 
    1. In-city transportation 
  3. Accommodations 
  4. Meals 
  5. Visa Application Fees 
  6. Participation Fee (if applicable) 

The category of financial grant amount is based on the following scheme in the form of reimbursement with a maximum allowable amount of the following:

IFSAP Standard

  • Up to Php 40,000 for assistance excluding airfare
  • Up to Php 50,000 for assistance including airfare for Southeast Asia, Taiwan, China
  • Up to Php 75,000 for assistance including airfare for Middle East, East Asia (except Taiwan & China), South Asia, Oceania
  • Up to Php 120,000 for assistance including airfare for Europe, Africa, Russia
  • Up to Php 150,000 for assistance including airfare for North America, Latin America

IFSAP Partners

  • Up to Php 150,000

  1. The grantee shall render RETURN SERVICE. The IFSAP fund is a government fund. In the spirit of serving the community and the stakeholders of the audio-visual industry, we ask beneficiaries of our FDCP Programs to commit to rendering return service by participating in FDCP-led or FDCP-supported events, activities, or projects as a volunteer worker or professional, serving in the capacity of their field. The service must be rendered within two (2) years after the receipt of the financial assistance from any of the FDCP programs and as stated in the agreement between the FDCP and the grantee. 
    1. For IFSAP Standard, a grantee must render one (1) return service in any FDCP-led program within two (2) years that the contract is enforced. 
    2. For IFSAP Partners, a grantee must render two (2) return services in any FDCP-led programs within two (2) years that the contract is enforced.
  2. The grantee shall use the grant as a counterpart to the international program attended and use it for qualified expenses 
  3.  The grantee must properly acknowledge the support of FDCP in any relevant documents but not limited to e.g. dossier, promotional materials, trailers, teasers, posters, press releases et al and the FDCP logo shall be visible in all promotional materials. The council’s name shall be correctly spelled out by the Film Development Council of the Philippines. 
  4. The grantee must submit a terminal performance report and all post-event requirements within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the program.

1. Approval of the grant may be forfeited once an agreement is not furnished through a Memorandum of Agreement; 

2. The grant shall be released upon proper submission of Post-Program Requirements; 

3. Following the auditing rules of the Commission on Audit (COA), the grant shall be released via reimbursement; 

4. The grant shall not in any manner be transferable to other civilians; 

5. For grantees under IFSAP Partners grants shall be released on a case-to-case basis. 

    a.  Lumpsum;

    b.  In tranches. 

The FDCP will issue a clearance certification upon submission of ALL of the requirements. Failure to do so will prohibit the proponent from applying again to IFSAP and other FDCP types of financial assistance programs for at least two (2) years and upon the discretion of the Technical Committee.

For inquiries and submission of applications and requirements, kindly contact the officer below: 

Mr. Nick Orland V. Sacedor
Project Development Officer, Education Division
International Film Studies Assistance Program (IFSAP)